Author Archives: Aule
Syntax: description Syntax: description + Syntax: description – Sets your long description to the given string. If the description string starts with a ‘+’, the part after the ‘+’ is appended to your current description, so that you can make … Continue reading
Your title appears after your name. Syntax: title Sets your title to a given string. The game supplies a title when your character is created. You can use TITLE to set your title to something else.
Syntax: password PASSWORD changes your character’s password. The first argument must be your old password. The second argument is your new password. The PASSWORD command is protected against being snooped or logged.
notes changes news idea clannote unread
The notes on the Burning Eye are used to distribute information between players and to players. The following options are usable: reading notes: note list : show all notes (unread notes are marked with an N) note read : either … Continue reading
bank deposit withdraw tgold
Everyone has a private bank account to use at their convenience. Go to Ulred in Tharbad to access your account. Type: deposit <amount> – to put money into the account withdraw <amount> – to take money out of the account … Continue reading
This is a mostly complete list of socials for the Burning Eye: aargh accuse adjust air apologize applaud babble bark bcatch beam beckon beer bearhug beg bird bite bkiss bleed blink blush boast boggle bonk bounce bow brb burp cackle caress … Continue reading
emote pmote social
Syntax: emote <action> EMOTE is used to express emotions or actions. Besides EMOTE, there are several dozen built-in social commands, such as CACKLE, HUG, and THANK (type socials or help socials for a listing). PMOTE is similar to emote, but … Continue reading
gtell reply say tell beep
Syntax: tell <character> <message> Syntax: gtell <message> Syntax: say <message> Syntax: beep <character> All of these commands send messages to other players. GTELL sends a message to all of the characters in your group, wherever they are, even if they … Continue reading
Gossip Yell OOC
Syntax: gossip <message> Syntax: yell <message> Syntax: ooc <message> GOSSIP sends a message to all players on the mud. ‘.’ is a synonym for the GOSSIP command. OOC is also a variant of shout which stands for ‘Out of Character’. … Continue reading
Rules of the Burning Eye These are the rules of the Burning Eye: 1. IGNORANCE OF THE RULES IS NO EXCUSE! 2. Your presence here is a PRIVILEGE not a right. This privilege may be revoked at any time without … Continue reading