Abandoned Treehouse
Abandoned Treehouse
11 N U
/ | /
3 4--7--10 |/
/ | | | W----*----E
2----5--8--12 /|
/ | /| | / |
1 |* | | D S
1. A Looooooong Rope Ladder Swinging in the Wind (U)
2. A Platform High Up in the Tree (D) [closed E, hidden U]
3. A Cabin Above the Trees (D)
4. A Room Inside the Tree House (ES)
5. A Room Inside the Tree House (NES) [closed W]
6. A Room Inside the Tree House (NE)
7. A Room Inside the Tree House (ESW)
8. A Room Inside the Tree House (NESW) [hidden D]
9. A Room Inside the Tree House (NEW)
10. A Room Inside the Tree House (SWU)
11. A Wooden Bartizan (D)
12. A Room Inside the Tree House (NSW)
13. A Room Inside the Tree House (NW)
14. Inside the Tree Trunk [closed U, hidden D]
15. A Hidden Cavern in the Tree [closed U,D]
16. Entrance to the Secret Society of Thieves [closed S,U]
17. The Fellowship Lobby (S) [closed N]
18. The Antechamber of Truths (NES)
19. The Hallway of Honors (W) [closed E]
20. The Court of Mercy [closed W]
21. The Hallway of Courage (N) [closed S]
22. The Chamber of Oaths [closed N,E,W]
23. The Chamber of Empowerment [closed E]
24. The Chamber of Victory [closed W, hidden D]
25. A Musty Cellar [closed U]