Everyone has a private bank account to use at their convenience.
Go to Ulred in Tharbad to access your account. Type:
deposit <amount> – to put money into the account
withdraw <amount> – to take money out of the account
tgold <amount> <char> – to transfer gold from your account to another character’s account.
clandeposit <amount> – to deposit money in to your clan’s bank account
clanwithdraw <amount> – to withdraw money from your clans bank acount (Clan Leaders Only)
clantax – to view your current clantax rate
clantax <percent> – to set your clan’s tax rate (ClanLeaders Only)
give <amount> silver ulred – to exchange silver into gold
Ulred takes 1 silver for every 20 he exchanges and won’t deal with invis players except for taking their silver and keeping it.