This is a mostly complete list of socials for the Burning Eye:
aargh accuse adjust air apologize applaud babble bark bcatch beam beckon beer bearhug beg bird bite bkiss bleed blink blush boast boggle bonk bounce bow brb burp cackle caress cheer chortle chuckle clap claw collapse comfort comb confused cough cover cower cringe criticize cry cuddle curse curtsey dance daydream differ discodance drool duck embrace explode eyebrow faint fart flare flash flex flinch flip flirt flutter fondle french frown fume gasp giggle glare goose grimace grin groan grope grovel growl grumble hand head headbutt hiccup highfive homework hop howl hug hush ignore innocent insane judge kiss knee laces lag laugh lick lightbulb love lust massage meditate moan moon mosh mutter nibble nod nudge nuzzle ogg pant passout pat peck pie pinch pissed plead point poke ponder pout pray propose puff puke punch purr ramble raspberry rofl roll rose rub ruffle scratch scream scuff serenade shake shiver shrug sigh sing slap slobber smile smirk snap snarl sneeze snicker sniff snore snort snowball snuggle sob spam spank spit squeal squeeze squirm stare starve stretch strip stroke strut sulk swoon tackle tank tease terror thank threaten tickle tip tongue twiddle twitch type undress view voodoo wave whap whine whistle wiggle wince wink wonder worry worship yae yawn yeehaw yodel zerbert