
Warriors live for combat and the thrill of battle. They are primarily
arms specialists and find it easy to develop a variety of different weapons and wear heavier types of armour. The best fighters of all the non-spell users (Bashkars would argue that point violently), but lack the subtle skills of thieves and the magical talents of mages, clerics, and mentalists. Warriors are best for prolonged melee’s with multiple opponents and where a cool head is needed.

Warriors begin with skill in the sword, and gain a second attack in
combat. Other weapon skills may be purchased cheaply.

 STR/CON         +2 STR/+2CON           1000      PURE ARMS / MENTALISM

Creation Options:
group              cp    group              cp    group              cp
warrior default    60    weaponmaster       20    brilliance         8
damage resistance  6     defensive          5     detection          8
enhancement        8     illusion           8     molecular control  6
protective         6     self healing       10    transportation     8

skill              cp    skill              cp    skill              cp
axe                2     dagger             2     hammer             3
hand to hand       3     flail              3     mace               2
polearm            3     spear              2     sword              2
berserk            5     blind fighting     3     charge             2
dirt kicking       4     disarm             3     dismount           3
dodge              4     dual wield         4     engage             1
enhanced damage    3     fourth attack      7     kick               3
kata one           3     kata two           4     kata three         5
mounted combat     3     parry              3     rescue             2
shield bash        4     shield block       2     sidestep           8
strike             3     third attack       5     trip               3
attunement         6     binding            8     body development   2
channeling         6     endurance          3     fast healing       3
haggle             5     herbalism          4     hunt               4
light sleep        3     meditation         6     peek               5
scrolls            6     smash door         3

Spells & Skills Available:
Level  5: ventriloquate             
Level  6: detect evil               detect good               
Level  7: detect magic              
Level  9: continual light           refresh                   
Level 11: create water              
Level 12: blur                      invisibility              
Level 13: giant strength            
Level 14: detect poison             
Level 16: aid                       
Level 17: teleport                  
Level 18: detect invis              
Level 19: cure blindness            
Level 20: armor                     word of recall            
Level 22: fly                       water lungs               
Level 24: aura                      null aura                 
Level 25: colour spray              regeneration              
Level 26: control weather           identify                  
Level 27: cure disease              haste                     
Level 28: sanctuary                 shift                     
Level 30: remove fear               resist cold               
          resist heat               
Level 31: shield                    
Level 32: beacon                    longdoor                  
Level 33: cure poison               
Level 36: resist energy             
Level 40: displacement              
Level 44: portal                    
Level 45: stone skin                
Level 47: sunfire                   
Level 59: flash fire                

Level  1: axe                       dagger                    
          hammer                    hand to hand              
          flail                     mace                      
          polearm                   spear                     
          sword                     engage                     
          enhanced damage           parry                      
          rescue                    shield block               
          strike                    body development           
Level  3: dirt kicking              
Level  4: smash door                
Level  5: kata one                  second attack             
          trip                      attunement                
Level  6: endurance                 fast healing              
Level  8: blind fighting            kick                      
Level 10: dismount                  kata two                  
          shield bash               third attack              
          light sleep               scrolls                   
Level 11: disarm                    
Level 12: herbalism                 
Level 13: dodge                     hunt                      
Level 14: haggle                    peek                      
Level 15: charge                    dual wield                
          mounted combat            meditation                
Level 18: berserk                   
Level 20: fourth attack             kata three                
Level 30: channeling                
Level 36: sidestep                  
Level 50: binding