
The Archmage is an arcane spell user who is able to learn and cast spells
from all 3 Realms: Channeling, Essence, and Mentalism. He hearkens back
to the days of the Arcane lore, before magic became divided. The Archmage
is never in a “different” realm; he/she operates as a pure spell user in
all three realms. Archmages are perhaps the most powerful of all spell
users due to their access to all three realms of power. However, they
are also bound by the restrictions of all three realms of magic. An
Archmage represents those ancient areas of magical knowledge that existed
before most magics usage became specialized into the three normal Realms
of Power: Channeling, Essence and Mentalism. One explanation of this
situation is that there is one underlying power source for all magic,
and that spell usage in the three Realms of Power has specialized and
“easily learned” methods of tapping this power. This is academic however,
as Archmages still exist though they are rare indeed. Archmages begin
the game with the spear, meditation and spell mastery skills.

 INT/WIS         +3 INT/+3 WIS         3000     HYBRID SPELL USER

Creation Options:
You may select six spell lists as your base lists out of these groups:

group             	group             	group
attack            	benedictions      	body reins
channels          	curative          	distractions
earth law         	elemental balls   	elemental bolts
elemental ways    	evasions          	fire law
flesh destruction 	holy vision       	holy warrior
ice law           	light law         	maladictions
matter destruction	matter manipulation	mind attack
mind control      	mind manipulation 	natures protection
natures way       	power             	protection
resistance        	sense control     	shielding ways
spell breaker     	spell resistance  	spirit destruction
starlights        	telepathy         	voice mastery
water law         	wind law

group              cp    group              cp    group              cp
archmage default   10    weaponmaster       40    allies defence     5
brilliance         5     creation           4     damage resistance  3
defensive          5     detection          7     dispelling ways    3
elemental shields  5     enchantment        6     enhancement        4
harmful            5     healing            5     illusion           7
lofty movement     3     molecular control  5     physical change    3
protective         5     self healing       5     spirit mastery     7
transportation     6     weather            5     

skill              cp    skill              cp    skill              cp
axe                5     dagger             3     hammer             5
hand to hand       6     flail              5     mace               4
polearm            8     sword              5     blind fighting     8
dodge              6     dual wield         10    engage             2
enhanced damage    8     kata one           7     parry              8
rescue             2     trip               6     attunement         2
binding            3     body development   8     brew               6
channeling         5     endurance          8     fast healing       6
haggle             4     herbalism          4     light sleep        3
peek               5     scribe             5     scrolls            2
warp stone         5     

Spells & Skills Available:
spell              lvl  spell              lvl  spell              lvl
agitation          6    aid                12   air bolt           6
alkar              49   animate dead       38   armor              10
aura               19   ball lightning     38   beacon             24
bless              8    blindness          17   blur               7
call lightning     26   calm               8    camouflage         27
cancellation       19   cause critical     18   cause light        2
cause serious      10   chain lightning    34   charm person       32
chill weapon       15   cold ball          31   colour spray       15
continual light    5    control weather    17   create food        6
create spring      7    create water       4    cure blindness     7
cure critical      18   cure disease       14   cure light         2
cure poison        15   cure serious       10   curse              19
darkness           18   dark vision        8    death field        38
deaths blessing    35   defend             26   deflection         25
deflection true    45   demon fire         35   detect evil        2
detect good        2    detect hidden      7    detect invis       4
detect magic       1    detect poison      5    detonate           14
dimension door     27   dispel darkness    18   dispel evil        16
dispel good        16   dispel magic       17   displacement       32
duo dimension      24   earthquake         11   ego whip           24
enchant armor      17   enchant cloth      17   enchant weapon     18
enlighten          28   evacuation         41   faerie fire        4
faerie fog         18   fear               27   fireproof          14
fire ball          31   fire bolt          21   flamestrike        21
flare              26   flash fire         38   flesh armor        6
fly                11   floating disc      5    frenzy             17
giant strength     12   harm               26   haste              20
heal               26   heat weapon        15   heavens fire       35
heroes feast       22   hold person        24   holy word          37
ice bolt           21   identify           14   implosion          33
improved phantasm  20   inflict pain       9    infravision        8
inspire            27   invisibility       6    item invis         15
knock              26   lend health        26   lend mana          26
lend move          26   life leech         33   lightning bolt     28
light eruption     43   locate object      26   longdoor           24
mass charm         59   mass healing       38   mass invis         23
mental shield      17   merge              10   mind shock         24
mind shout         30   mind thrust        3    minor creation     22
null aura          19   phantasm           10   phantasmal killer  41
plague             22   poison             13   portal             36
presence           16   project force      22   protection evil    9
protection good    9    psi blast          17   psychic crush      11
psychic vortex     21   rain of decay      45   recharge           10
refresh            5    regeneration       11   remove curse       19
remove fear        12   resist cold        29   resist energy      35
resist heat        29   resist light       21   resist lightning   24
resist mental      55   resist water       32   sanctuary          22
scream             49   scry               39   seal               36
shield             15   shift              16   shock bolt         1
shout              33   sleep              9    slow               24
spark              4    spell protect      16   spell shield       17
spell short        27   stone skin         31   stone bolt         10
suggestion         16   stunning           30   summon             13
summon earth       41   summon fire        45   summon ice         45
summon lightning   49   summon water       37   summon wind        34
sunfire            30   teleport           14   traceless travel   44
triad flame        43   triad ice          43   triad water        39
true harm          36   true heal          36   true vision        23
ultra blast        39   uncurse item       24   unminding          54
vacuum             18   ventriloquate      3    water ball         25
water bolt         15   water lungs        11   weaken             9
word of recall     20   axe                1    dagger             1
hammer             1    hand to hand       1    flail              1
mace               1    polearm            1    spear              1
sword              1    blind fighting     25   dodge              26   

skill              lvl  skill              lvl  skill              lvl
axe                1    dagger             1    hammer             1
hand to hand       1    flail              1    mace               1
polearm            1    spear              1    sword              1
blind fighting     25   dodge              26   dual wield         40
engage             1    enhanced damage    15   kata one           20
parry              28   rescue             1    trip               20
attunement         1    binding            34   body development   1
brew               30   channeling         20   endurance          20
fast healing       20   haggle             10   herbalism          6
light sleep        15   meditation         5    peek               9
scribe             30   scrolls            1    spell mastery      5
warp stone         30