
Rangers are Semi spell users who use the realm of Channeling.

All rangers begin with skill in the sword and hunting. They have the ability to learn the use of any weapon, and have little difficulty casting in heavy armour.

 STR/WIS         +2 STR/+2 WIS        1500      SEMI SPELL USER / CHANNELING

Creation Options:
The following enemy races are available:

drake                     elf                       fell beast                
giant                     orc                       stout                     

group              cp    group              cp    group              cp   
ranger default     60    weaponmaster       30    creation           5     
defensive          6     detection          8     enhancement        6     
harmful            5     healing            5     lofty movement     3     
natures protection 4     natures way        4     natures wrath      4     
protective         8     transportation     8     weather            7     

skill              cp    skill              cp    skill              cp   
axe                3     dagger             2     hammer             4     
hand to hand       4     flail              4     mace               3     
polearm            7     spear              3     ambush             5     
berserk            6     blind fighting     5     charge             4     
dirt kicking       4     disarm             5     dismount           5     
dodge              6     dual wield         5     engage             1     
enhanced damage    5     envenom            6     kick               4     
kata one           5     kata two           6     mounted combat     5     
parry              5     rescue             2     shield bash        5     
shield block       5     strike             4     third attack       8     
trip               3     attunement         5     binding            6     
body development   4     brew               7     channeling         5     
endurance          3     fast healing       4     find trap          5     
haggle             5     herbalism          2     hide               4     
light sleep        3     meditation         6     peek               4     
scrolls            5     smash door         4     sneak              6     
spell mastery      6     untrap             6     

Spells & Skills Available:
Level  1: detect poison      
Level  3: cause light               cure light                
Level  4: create water              faerie fire               
Level  5: continual light           dark vision               
Level  6: detect evil               detect good               
          detect magic              
Level  7: refresh                   
Level  8: blur                      create food               
          merge                     scare                     
Level  9: create spring             
Level 10: detect hidden             
Level 11: cause serious             cure serious              
Level 12: aid                       faerie fog                
          giant strength            
Level 13: detect invis              
Level 14: fly                       floating disc             
Level 15: armor                     darkness                  
          dispel darkness           
Level 16: remove fear               teleport                  
          water lungs               
Level 17: protection evil           protection good           
Level 18: cure disease              
Level 19: cause critical            cure critical             
          cure poison               
Level 20: control weather           heroes feast              
          minor creation            word of recall            
Level 22: identify                  resist lightning          
          shield                    shift                     
Level 23: battle cry                summon                    
Level 25: enthrall                  sanctuary                 
Level 26: camouflage                deflection                
Level 27: heal                      resist cold               
          resist heat               
Level 28: beacon                    longdoor                  
Level 32: dimension door            
Level 34: cancellation              displacement              
Level 35: haste                     
Level 36: fury                      
Level 38: chain lightning           
Level 40: portal                    scry                      
Level 43: traceless travel          
Level 45: stone skin                wrath                     
Level 70: wilderness                

Level  1: axe                       dagger                    
          hammer                    hand to hand              
          flail                     mace                      
          polearm                   spear                     
          sword                     ambush                     
          engage                    rescue                     
          shield block              body development           
          herbalism                 hide                       
Level  4: dirt kicking              attunement                
          endurance                 sneak                     
Level  5: hunt                      
Level  6: strike                    trip                      
Level  7: enhanced damage           
Level  8: smash door                
Level 10: kata one                  light sleep               
Level 11: second attack             
Level 12: meditation                
Level 13: kick                      
Level 14: disarm                    fast healing              
Level 15: haggle                    
Level 16: blind fighting            parry                     
          third attack              
Level 17: envenom                   
Level 18: dodge                     
Level 20: dismount                  kata two                  
          mounted combat            shield bash               
          find trap                 spell mastery             
Level 22: berserk                   
Level 25: charge                    channeling                
Level 26: dual wield                
Level 32: brew                      
Level 50: binding