83 85 87
N U | | |
| / 80--82--84--86--81
|/ | |
W---*---E 78--76--75--77--79
/| | | |
/ | 73--72--74
D S | | |
57 61 64--65
| | /
/ | |
53 58 62
| | |
51 48 45
43 42
28 | /
/ | 40--41
17 / | /
| / | 35 38 /
11 15--16 22 25 / 29--30 | | /
| | | | / | 32--33--34--36--37--39
10 14 21--23--24--27 | /
| | | | 31
9 13 20 26
| | |
| |
1. Along wide open fields (NE)
2. Further into the plains (EW)
3. Middle of the plains (NEW)
4. Mounds in the plain (EW)
5. More mounds covering the floor of the plains (EW)
6. Last tomb of the plains (W)
7. A bridge across a small creek. (NS)
8. Across the creek (NES)
9. A small ravine (NS)
10. Further into the ravine! (NS)
11. Deep in the small ravine (S)
12. A widening road. (NEW)
13. Behind a rocky formation. (S) [hidden north]
14. Behind the brush (N) [hidden south]
15. A turn in the tunnel (ES)
16. Another bend in the tunnel (NW)
17. A small cave (S)
18. Along the horse road. (EW)
19. In the shadow of the hill (NW)
20. Along the great wall (NS)
21. In front of the gates! (NS) [closed east]
22. A small post. (S)
23. Inside the gatehouse. (EW)
24. Outside the gatehouse. (NESW)
25. **Private rooms to the N**
26. **Private room to the S**
27. Road into the city. (WU)
28. A bend in the pass. (SD)
29. Before the stables. (NES)
30. The stables. (W)
31. Alongside the stables. (NU)
32. Tier Road (ED)
33. Tier Road (EW)
34. Tier Road (NEW)
35. A small building (S)
36. Tier Road (EW)
37. Tier Road (NEW)
38. A small building (S)
39. Tier Road (WU)
40. Rise in the road. (NED)
41. Southern watchtower. (WU)
42. up from Southern watchtower **Private Room**
43. Rising of the road. (SU)
44. Rising road. (UD)
45. Leveling of the road. (ND)
46. Hoof Road (SW)
47. Hoof Road (ESW)
48. A small building (N)
49. Hoof Road (EW)
50. Hoof Road (ESW)
51. A small building (N)
52. Hoof Road (NE)
53. A gentle rise (SU)
54. Mane Ave. (ED)
55. Main Ave. (EW)
56. Mane Ave. (NESW)
57. A small building (S)
58. Emora's Wares! (N)
59. Mane Ave (EW)
60. Mane Ave. (NESW)
61. A small building (N)
62. A small guard post (S)
63. The golden stairs. (WU)
64. The golden stair. (ED)
65. The golden stairs. (WU)
66. Entrance to the golden hall, (NEWD)
67. Entrance to the golden hall (E)
68. Entrance to the golden hall (W)
69. The grand golden hall. (NESW)
70. The grand golden hall (NE)
71. The grand golden hall (NW)
72. The grand golden hall (NESW)
73. The grand golden hall (NES)
74. The grand golden hall (NSW)
75. The kings throne (ESW)
76. The platform in the golden hall. (ESW)
77. The platform in the golden hall. (ESW)
78. The hallway (NE)
79. The hallway (NW)
80. The hallway (ES)
81. The hallway (SW)
82. The hallway. (EW)[closed north]
83. Eowyn's Room. (S)
84. The hallway. (EW)[closed north]
85. The Kings bedchamber. (S)
86. The hallway. (EW)[closed north]
87. Eomer's Room. (S)