
Welcome to your home! It’s important to understand the recall point of the Burning Eye, so here is a good map of it. In the game upon character creation you may “look map” to view this map until you drop it or burn it.


.                       * * * Tharbad * * *
.                        = = ========== = =
.  Northen                                                 Northern
.  Tharbad                                                 Tharbad
.     |                                                        |
.     |                       Clan                             |  
.     |               Arena  Council                           |
.     |                 |       |                              |

.   Clan-------------------Clan--Road------------------------Clan
.   Road  |      |      |       |       |        |       |   Road
.     | Livery Money   Ranger  Pit   Archmage  Auction  Inn    |
.     |        Changer Guild    |     Guild     House          |
.     |                         |                              |
.   Wall           Temple of Eru (Mud School)                 Wall
.   Road                        |                             Road
.     |                         |                              |
.     |        Cleric/Paladin   |                              |
.     |               Guild---Temple---Dwarven Day Care        |
.   Wall                      Square                          Wall
.   Road        Magic           |   Jad the     Marhwini the  Road
.     |         Shop   Bakery   |    Grocer     Weaponsmith    |
.     |           |      |      |       |           |          |
.    Gate         |      |    Square    |           |         Gate
.     |         Guild  Armoury  |     Jeweler   Warrior/       |
.     |   Mage/Warmage/Sorc     |            Bashkar Guild    Wall
.   Wall                        |                             Road
.   Road       Leather  Map     |    Grebe's  Pet              |
.     |         Shop    Shop    |    Tavern   Shop  Apothecary |
.     |          |       |    Common   |       |       |       |
.   Wall--------Poor-Alley----Square------Dark-Alley----------Wall
.   Road         |       |      |      |       |       |      Road
.     |        Guild   Grubby   |   Thieves  Levee   Warehouse |
.     |      Ment/Monk  Inn     |    Guild  (Quests) (Trainer) |
.     |                        Dump            |               |
.   Wall       Mob              |              |              Wall
.   Road-------Factory          |              |              Road
.     |                       South         Tharbad            |
.   Bridge                    Bridge         River---------> Bridge <--->
.     |                         |                              |
.  Southern                  Southern                       Southern
.  Tharbad                   Tharbad                        Tharbad